Saturday, September 29, 2012

Our Expert Picks The Top Five Tech Products of 2012 ? Most ...

MMNPL?s Technology Expert Curtis Silver has more than experience when it comes to technology. Silver has written and worked for, Gunnar Optiks,, and Digital Dads (writer of the 2nd best NFL column on the internet). Check out what our expert expects to be the most memorable tech products this year!

1. WiiU ? What needs to be said about the first next generation system to be released by the big three? While Playstation and Xbox are still refining their next devices, Nintendo is first to the game ? just in time for Christmas. With a handheld and portable controller, updating to HD and integrating more social factors, the WiiU is sure to be a huge hit.

2. Nokia Lumia 920 ? This is the last chance for a Windows phone to grab enough market share to keep making Windows phones. The Lumia 920 is probably the sleekest, fastest mobile device that carries the Windows operating system. This is a nice phone. Easy to use, intuitive and streamlined. But is a multitude of colors enough to compete with Android and iOS? You are going to see more of these on the street in the coming months, as people realize that the fair market of operating systems makes for a stronger little guy.

3. iPhone 5 ? I?m not a fan of the iPhone, but certainly of what it represents. While the iPhone is no more spectacular than the Samsung Galaxy III or the Motorola Razr, Apple still is able to not only innovate in their design and operating system, but easily profit while doing so. Love or hate Apple, their contribution to the hipster lifestyle can?t be ignored.

4. Origin PC Eon Laptops ? Origin, a company made up of the former brains behind Alienware, is quickly becoming one of the elite manufacturers of high end gaming computers. Their EON line of gaming laptops include 3D options and amazing graphics and sound. Next time you go to PAX, E3 or CES check out how many gaming rigs are Origin PC?s. The Origin EON is going to bring Origin into the arena dominated by companies like Dell, and eventually push them out. Bottom line: if you are a gamer, you want an Origin.

5. Makerbot Replicator ? An open source 3D printer? Yes please. This represents the future of so many independent industries, from animation to architecture and beyond. While the process still needs some refinement, this printer is the first step in a fairly new technology that is going to redefine how we mold and view the world.

Which do you think will be the most memorable? Let us know you expert opinion!

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